Hello, I’m Casey
Digital MArketing Consultant
I am a blogger, digital marketing consultant, and indie creator. When I’m not working on my latest solo entrepreneurial venture, I am a freelance content marketing manager for writers, small businesses, and public relations firms. I create eBooks, infographics, articles, and courses.
Work Samples
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Current Projects
Blogging Guide Website
Much of my time is spent on BloggingGuide.com, a site I created several years ago, aimed at providing free tips, tricks, and tutorials to both new and experienced bloggers.
Blogging Guide is an online community of writers. Our content is crafted to help new bloggers monetize their online writing. We also provide in-depth coverage of all digital publishing platforms, to help writers and marketers stay ahead of the curve. If you are a blogger, freelance writer, or a creator looking to join the passion economy, be sure to check it out!
In addition to my website, I run Blogging Guide, a Substack newsletter dedicated to helping writers monetize their content and better understand the digital publishing landscape. Blogging Guide was recently awarded the Substack Independent Writer Grant and it is a top 20 ranked publication in Substack’s competitive “Business” category (for paid newsletters).
As part of the Blogging Guide newsletter, I am constantly creating new products and tools for our growing community of writers.
I launched the first Substack newsletter course and have been hired as a consultant by several of the platform’s top earning writers.
I am the admin of the popular Facebook Group, Substack Writers, which serves as a private discussion community, covering all topics related to Substack.
Most recently, I created the leading site covering Substack in depth, SubstackCourse.com.
I run the leading Medium Publication (Medium Blogging Guide) designed to help writers succeed in earning money through the Medium Partner Program. I am always adding new articles to this repository of free information.
I launched the first affordable and up-to-date Medium Course and have been hired by Fortune 500 consulting firms dozens of times to discuss trends in digital publishing.
I am also the admin of the popular Facebook group, Medium Writing, which is a private discussion group for Medium writers.
Most recently, I created the leading site covering Medium in depth, MediumCourse.com.
Niche Site Portfolio
I operate a portfolio of 50+ niche sites, which generate both income and unique insight into what is working in blogging and SEO. By running a series of experimental sites, I can conduct single variable tests to better understand ranking factors.
I share some insights from these sites on Blogging Guide. You can read more about me latest AI niche site experiments (and income reports, here.
Gumroad and Etsy Stores
Amazon KDP Portfolio
I have ghostwritten over 200 self-published eBooks on Amazon KDP. Most of these books were published several years ago, however, they have remained a substantial stream of passive income. If you have a portfolio of eBooks in Amazon KDP and are looking to sell, I’d be interested in adding new titles. Feel free to reach out and contact me.
Consulting & Coaching
Although I am generally working on my own projects, I do offer consulting and coaching services, to a few select clients each month. Book a one hour consultation with me and get advice from one of the only veteran bloggers still launching and scaling new sites every month!